
Access to the Repository using Natural language knowledge

Utgivningsår: 1989
Titel: Access to the Repository using Natural language knowledge
Sammanfattning: A repository stores deliverables from the different phases of the software development process as well as information about those deliverables. The contents could be specifications from the very early phases (Business Engineering) as strategic or goal oriented models as weil as data modeis. process models or code-modules. It is easy to get lost in the repository since the concept you are looking for might have another name than you expect.To navigate properly in such a repository a navigation support will be needed. We will argue that a conventional browser is not enough for this purpose and that a tool based on know ledge about user language is required. A prototype of such a navigation support system which mainly deals with conceptual models or data models is sketched in  this paper.
Kategori: FoU-resultat
Språk: Svenska
Författare: Harriet Dahlgren
Jan Ljungberg
Sten-Erik Öhlund
Access to the Repository using Natural language knowledge