SISU rapport

HYBRIS - A first step towards efficient information resource management

Utgivningsår: 1989
Nummer: nr5
Titel: HYBRIS - A first step towards efficient information resource management
Sammanfattning: HYBRIS is a hypertext-based tool that allows inexperienced computer  users to navigate in and retrieve information from large corporate  databases at a conceptual level. The information in the databases  is represented in a conceptual model which is called an information  map. It shows important business-oriented concepts and how they  are interrelated. By pointing and clicking directly in the information  map, users can retrieve information from the databases. Constraints  that restrict the information search can be formulated. The graphical  query is then translated to SQL (Structured Query Language)  and sent to the database. The result of the SQL-query is brought back  to HYBRIS where the users have different alternatives for manipulating  the result.
Kategori: FoU-resultat
Projekt: Hybris
Språk: Svenska
Författare: Jesper Lundh
Peter Rosengren